HAN WonSuk
04, 2004 ~ PhD. Architecture, Dpt. of Architecture, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
06, 2005 ~ 02, 2006 Researcher at TsinghwaUniversity, School of Architecture, China
09, 2002 ~ 09, 2003 Saints Martin Research Student, UK
04, 2002 ~ 09, 2002 Dutch Environmental Architecture Research Program, The Netherlands
09, 2002 Awarded Master Degree with Research Project ‘Rubbish Museum’
09, 2001 ~ 09, 2002 Chelsea College of Art & Design, UK
2010 <Korea tomorrow> ‘Sound Forest’, ‘Trace’, SETEC, Korea
2010 <Ceramic-Art & Technology>, AT center, Seoul, Korea
2010 The new Audi A8 launch event <The Art of progress>, Olympic Park, Seoul, Korea
2010 ‘HyeongYeon’ the 60th memorial of 6.25 war wishing peace and hope, Cheonggyecheon, Korea
2009 ‘Sound Forest’ Project, Janet Oh Gallery, Korea
2009 ‘Sublime’, Group Exhibition< 7things I want to know about arts>, IchonArt Hall , Korea
2008 ‘Nareasoebuk’, The SouthKoreaNational Science center Opening Exhibition, Korea
2008 ‘HyeongYeon’. 2008 BusanBiennale, Korea
2008 ‘HyeongYeon’, The Korea Ambassador’s residence, Beijing, China
2008 ‘HyeongYeon’ 3rd Solo Exhibition, 798 Dashazi, Beijing, China
2006 ‘Rebirth’, 2nd Solo Exhibition, Cheonggyecheon, Korea
2003 ‘The Flower of Evil’ 1st Solo exhibition, Art Side Gallery, Korea
2003 ‘Dreaming Object’, Group Exhibition, Gallery Kumho, Seoul, Korea
2002 ‘Chelsea College of Art & Design show 2002’, Manresa Rord, London, UK
2001 ‘Borrowed Space-Time bound’, Architecture Foundation, London, UK
Architectural Work
Currently Art Director of UAA Architect association, Beijing, China
Currently Art Consultant of ‘GongGanceramic’, Seoul, Korea
Currently , President of H lab., Seoul, Korea
2007~ Design, Paperdome
2008~ Seoul Cheongdam-dong ‘EveroneMedical mall’ Design
2009 Japan ‘Mori Art Center’ Feb. Exhibhition, Planning Architect
2008 Seoul Geumcheon‘Art Factory’ Art Consultant
2008 Seoul Shindang‘Creative Arcade’ Art Consultant
2007 Design, Fashion Shop ‘Thimbloom2’
2007 Design , Sungbuk-Dong Residence of H
2006 Renovation, Exhibition Hall_SungKyunKwanUniversity
2006 Design, Fashion Shop ‘Thimbloom
2006 Design, Gallery Sagan (http://www.gallerysagan.com)
2006 Renovation, Seoul Olympic Museum of Arts (SOMA)
2005 Renovation, Space Ieum, Bejing, China
2004 Renovation, Exhibition Hall_KyunginEducation University, Incheon, Korea
2004 Renovation, Exhibition Hall_EhwaWomen’s University, Seoul, Korea
2009 LIG NEX1 ‘Mother’s arms’
2008 The South Korea National Science center ‘Nareasoebuk’
2008 Busan Biennale ‘HyeongYeon’
2006 Hana Bank ‘Rebirth’
2003 Deahan Textbook ‘The flower of evil’